Well the move is final and the setting up begins in Las Cruces, NM. We have been enjoying the much warmer weather, at least 10 degrees, in Las Cruces. Our house is located on the 18th tee of the Picachio Hills Country Club. We have a great view of the Organ Mountains and get the sunrise over the mountains. We haven't explored any yet but we certainly notice the warmer temperatures from Silver City. After 3 trips to Silver City we have all our stuff in Las Cruces. Now house hunting begins. Some photos to enjoy.
Photo from Little Walnut Road in Silver City of our previous house, Hester House on top of the background mountain
New house address: 7081 Camino Nuevo Mejico, Las Cruces, NM 88007
New Mailing address: 2521 N. Main St. Unit 1 #119, Las Cruces, NM 88001
New house backyard looking towards Organ Mountains
Got here for the full moon
18th tee
Back porch area
Living Room
Front entrance
Side yard