Monday, May 2, 2016

Bear encounter and Little Bear mountain part duex

Sunday night before going to bed I went outside to have a smoke.  It was pretty dark and about 10 pm and I seen a large black animal in the side yard.  It was coming up the mountain from the neighbors who have chickens so I thought it was a big dog getting into the chickens.  I shuffled my feet in the gravel driveway and it took off at a fast run.  It ran into a chicken wire covered portion of the barbed wire fence and stopped at a dime.  It layed on the ground for a second and got up and ran down the long driveway up the mountain,  In the morning i seen it had knocked over a 6x8 timber which was buried and cemented in the ground.  It had to be a couple hundred pounds to knock out that timber.  Glad it ran away.

Second trip to Little Bear mountain.  Got new hiking boots for an anniversary present so I thought I would test them out.  Instead of using the trails I hiked directly down Little Bear to the ravine and walked the creek down about a mile.  Total trip 2 miles in 4 1/2 hrs.  Found an old mine shaft.  I love my new Danner hiking boots.

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