Arrived at Union Station in Denver bright and early for our train trip to San Francisco. 30 hour trip. Had a nice sleeper cabin with our own bathroom. Fabulous. The trip through the mountains was breathtaking. Train for the most part went pretty slow as we crawled up the mountains. We had a full day of mountain viewing before it got dark. Visited the dining car and viewing car on many occasions. Food was nice and we were served a steak dinner in our car for our last dinner on the train. Went through a 7 mile tunnel under a lake on the continental divide. Followed the Colorado River most of the way to the continental divide. On the west side of the divide we followed a number of rivers to the plains in Utah. Most of the evening trip was through the plains so when we got up the next day we were in the mountains of California. Nice trip and well rested when we arrived in San Francisco. Ashlet picked us up at the Greyhound station as the train ends in Emoryville, CA and the last 10 miles was on a bus. Ash and Adam have a fantastic place very near downtown SF. Spent the first day in San Francisco walking down Filmore Ave to the water where we got photos of us with Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. We walked down hill and took the bus back to Ash's place. Buses are easy to use and easy to get anywhere in SF.
San Francisco
Fountain in Ash and Adams courtyard
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