Thursday, April 7, 2016

Welcome to the Land of Enchantment. Silver City KOA. Yeah in the mountains.

We made it!  Arrived Wednesday, April 6th.  Great accommodations at the KOA in Silver City.
Big shout out to Rick for suggesting we stay with KOA. We enjoyed it thoroughly last year when we
traveled out West on vacation; and are really pleased with the cabin here in Silver City.  So nice to
be settled in for a whole two weeks while we look around for longer-term rental. Thanks Rick (are
you untethered yet?)!

The Sun Bowl in El Paso at UTEP.   Welcome to New Mexico.   Crossing the Rio Grande.    Water in the Rio Grande. 6 days to arrive in Deming.  After eating hamburgers at Wendys & seeing Silver City, we began to lean towards relocating to Silver City.  We don't have a Silver City photo yet other than the following photos of Don's first walk up the mountain behind the KOA Campground.  Area is beautiful and locals (i.e. at Wendy's) highly recommend it.

Our potato chips are about ready to explode.  This is what happens when you shop at sea level and go up 6050 ft.  

We have two potential rental homes to look at this Saturday, which we found in the local paper.  One is in Membres, about 1/2 hour from Silver City.  Everybody says it's exceptional.  We'll see. The other is just a few miles East of Silver City on Goathead Path Road.  Both are described as large 2 bedroom, 2 bath homes and both are on 2 acres of land.  Just the space (i.e. land) we wanted after feelin kinda cramped/close at Tybee Island.  (One even has a barn, which we think will be great for
guests (just kidding)).  We do hope our Tybee friends and families come visit once we have a place.
Love to all.  We miss you!

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